Our Team
We believe that to be a good lawyer, one needs to have true intellectual interest in the legal system.
At Hoffman Taborowski i Wspólnicy, we have such an interest, and are enthusiastic about what we do. As a result, our lawyers have the expertise and are motivated to provide the best possible legal advice.
Dr. Piotr Hoffman
Attorney-at-law. Managing Partner.
Polish, English, German.

Focus on litigation, EU law and competition.
Piotr holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Master’s degrees in Computer Science and in Law, a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Warsaw (dissertation on formal software specification), and a Dr.iur. from the TU Darmstadt (dissertation on first-demand guarantees and suretyships in German law).
He was previously Assistant Professor at the Institute of Informatics of the University of Warsaw. He used to teach German law to judges at the National School for Judges and Prosecutors, and currently teaches EU law to future attorneys at the Warsaw Bar Association.
He has authored multiple papers on mathematics and theoretical computer science, as well as a book on the law of housing cooperatives (with Monika Tabor-Gruszfeld).
Piotr’s current focus is on litigation, EU law, and competition. He has argued cases during hearings in the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the Supreme Court (both in civil and criminal cases) and in the Supreme Administrative Court, as well as in international arbitration. He has overseen complex litigation, including both civil and criminal proceedings, spanning multiple jurisdictions, with values exceeding € 120 million.
Piotr’s experience also includes:
– advising a foreign corporation on an acquisition in Poland with a volume of ca. € 250 million,
– advising on complex intra-group restructurings, including cross-border mergers,
– advising on distribution agreements, in particular concerning conformity with EU antitrust law,
– advising on credit facility agreements with volumes up to over € 700 million.
Piotr has a deep understanding of the automotive industry, and his knowledge of German law helps him advise on complex cross-border cases.
Dr. hab. Maciej Taborowski
Attorney-at- law. Partner.
Polish, English, German, Dutch.

Focus on EU law and litigation in international courts.
Maciej Taborowski is a Doctor of Laws, holds a habilitation in Law, and is currently Professor at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
He is an experienced lecturer on institutional and internal market law of the European Union. He lectures, among others, at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, at postgraduate studies at the University of Warsaw and at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as at training courses for judges, prosecutors, attorneys, legal advisors, trainees to the legal profession, and government officials. He has given lectures, training and seminars for, among others, the Office of the Committee for European Integration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National School of Public Administration, and under the auspices of the European Academy of Law (ERA) in Trier.
He is the author and editor of more than a hundred publications in the field of European law, including in such journals as: Common Market Law Review, Columbia Journal of European Law, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), and European Constitutional Law Review. He is also the author of the monographs Consequences of Breaches of European Union Law by National Courts (2012), and Mechanisms for the Protection of the Rule of Law of Member States in European Union Law. A study of the awakening of the supranational system (2019), and co-author (with Dr. Wojciech Sadowski) of a book on judicial cooperation in civil cases (2011).
Maciej Taborowski is an expert in European Union law and international law. His long-standing practice is focused on specialized consulting activities for domestic and foreign law firms and entrepreneurs, in particular in the field of EU law at the interface with domestic law, domestic proceedings with an international and EU element, as well as proceedings before international tribunals.
Maciej Taborowski has appeared at hearings in the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg and in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, including in cases pending, due to their precedent-setting nature and importance, before the Grand Chambers of these courts.
From 2019 to 2022, Maciej Taborowski served as Deputy Ombudsman. In this capacity, he supervised several hundred administrative and judicial cases, often of a precedent-setting nature. On behalf of the Ombudsman, he also acted in cases pending in the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.
Maciej Taborowski is a member of, among others, the Team of Legal Experts of the Stefan Batory Foundation, the Program Council of the Osiatyński Archive (a civic analysis center monitoring the rule of law, abuses of public power and observance of civil rights and freedoms in Poland), and a member of the European Law Institute (ELI). He has also, for twenty years, been involved in cooperation with the Agnieszka Osiecka "Okularnicy" Foundation, which cares for the legacy of Agnieszka Osiecka.
Krzysztof Januszewski
Attorney-at-law. Partner.
Polish, English.

Focus on construction including FIDIC contracts.
Krzysztof holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Warsaw. He also graduated from the British Law Centre at the Faculty of Law of the University of Warsaw.
Krzysztof’s focus has been on litigation in the construction industry, including contracts based on the standards of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers FIDIC, and on public procurement. His experience includes:
– representing a major Polish company from the construction industry in a number of disputes both in court and in arbitration,
– representing potential contractors in public procurement cases in the National Appeal Chamber and in court,
– advising contractors on issues arising during the performance of construction contracts (including claims for payment for additional work done, and requests for the extension of the time for completion).
Monika Tabor-Gruszfeld
Attorney-at-law. Partner.
Polish, English.

Focus on civil law and civil litigation.
Monika holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Warsaw. She has completed both official training for attorneys-at-law and official training for judges.
She has authored a book on the law of housing cooperatives (with Piotr Hoffman).
Monika Tabor-Gruszfeld is an expert in civil litigation and civil law; she has authored multiple appeals in cassation to the Supreme Court in civil cases. Her experience includes, in addition to typical commercial litigation, also litigation in cases concerning:
– rights to real estate,
– the protection of privacy and reputation,
– inheritance, including wills and testaments,
– property aspects of family law, including disputes concerning the assets of former spouses.
Agnieszka Helsztyńska
Attorney-at-law. Of Counsel.
Polish, English, German.

Focus on criminal law.
Agnieszka holds a Master’s degree in Law from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
She serves as counsel both for defendants and for victims of criminal offenses, especially defrauded corporations. Agnieszka has represented clients not only in complex proceedings relating to white-collar crime, but also in typical criminal cases (especially concerning traffic accidents, medical malpractice, drug offenses). She has also represented clients in cases concerning hate-crimes or stalking, and in #MeToo cases.
Agnieszka is active pro bono in cases concerning the defense of the rule of law and human rights in Poland: She represents judges persecuted for attempting to implement the rulings of the Court of Justice concerning judicial independence; clients who have been accused of participating in anti-governmental demonstrations in breach of COVID-19 regulations; and clients persecuted for taking part in demonstrations in defense of LGBT rights.
Agnieszka also represents clients in cases concerning family law, including in proceedings seeking divorce or child custody.
Dr. Paweł Filipek
Of Counsel.
Polish, English, German.

Focus on human rights law and constitutional law.
Paweł Filipek holds a Master’s degree and a Dr.iur. from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. He is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Law of the Cracow University of Economics.
He co-authored a commentary on the Treaty on European Union and authored dozens of papers concerning, among others, EU law and constitutional law, human rights and instruments serving to protect them, including the European Court of Human Rights.
Paweł’s focus is on EU law, international public law and constitutional law. He has argued cases during hearings in the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the European Court of Human Rights and in the Constitutional Tribunal. He is an expert in the field of human rights and in their protection in proceedings in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
In the past, Paweł headed the Human Rights Centre of the Jagiellonian University and supervised the University’s Human Rights Clinic.
He has also worked in the Office of the Polish Ombudsman, and has represented the Ombudsman in national and international courts.
Mateusz Łyjak
Attorney-at-law. Associate.
Polish, English.

Focus on torts and corporate law.
Mateusz holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Warsaw. He is currently in the course of his official training for attorneys-at-law.
Mateusz focuses on civil law, and especially on torts, the protection of privacy and reputation, and the liability of the State. He also has extensive experience in corporate law, in particular drafting internal documents, articles of association, and by-laws for companies and other legal entities.