Hoffman Taborowski i Wspólnicy

We are expanding

Dr. hab. Maciej Taborowski, Dr. Aneta Wiewiórowska-Domagalska, Dr. Paweł Filipek, and Ariel Sławiński join our team; Monika Tabor-Gruszfeld becomes a partner

Dr. hab. Maciej Taborowski, a leading expert in EU law, Professor at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and former deputy Ombudsman, has joined our team as a partner. The firm’s name has been changed accordingly, and currently reads: Hoffman Taborowski i Wspólnicy Adwokacka Spółka Partnerska.

Together with Maciej Taborowski, our team was also joined by Dr. Aneta Wiewiórowska-Domagalska, an expert in consumer law and author of multiple texts on CHF credit agreements, as well as by Dr. Paweł Filipek, an expert in human rights protection and constitutional law, and Ariel Sławiński, who focuses on corporate and regulatory law.

At the same time, advocate Monika Tabor-Gruszfeld, an expert in civil litigation and a member of our team for seven years, has become a partner.